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Language, Development Resources

We all need to support children’s language skills

Marion has written resource workbooks to build children’s language skills. These can be used as stand alone resources or the effect can be enhanced by one of our in-house training courses. Our Home Research Workbooks are ideal for parent / careers as well as practitioners.

It was good to meet so many of you at the seminar I ran at the Childcare Expo in Coventry on Saturday 1s October last year as a guest speaker.   I gather from the organizers that they sold out of the seminar places a few days before the event!

It was good to meet so many of you last years at Childcare Expo on October 1st.  Unfortunately this year was cancelled due to COVID. 

ZOOM – We are now able to offer a session introducing Spirals via Zoom.  The session takes about 1 1/2 – 2 hours.  Contact Marion on Marion_M_Nash@msn.com for more information

Thank you for all your positive comments and questions and do continue to email me with your queries, I have posted a photograph of the seminar on our News page.

Find here (page 76) an activity to help develop active listening from the baby Spirals book .

Our Facebook page is Supporting Early Language- Spirals for Babies and Toddlers

Coming in 2021 Are you an experienced teacher with knowledge of speech, language and communication and of training adults or a Speech and Language Therapist with an experience of training adults?  We will be providing a one day course to enable you to become a Licensed Spirals Trainer in Spring 2021.  Contact Marion on Marion_M_Nash@msn.com for more information.